
Whether you are a business looking to build new skills in your team or a higher education institution (HEI)
looking to inculcate competitive skills in your faculty members and/or soon-to-graduate students,
our simulations are here to assist you in your smooth sailing toward your goal!

Invest in your Business, Team, Delegates, Faculty and Students

simulation-in-A-box with subscription

16-24 delegates

Contact sales for price

*billed as per order
  • Box contains material for one simulation iteration.
  • Dashboard Subscription to one simulation iteration
  • Renewal applicable with terms and conditions
  • Provision to support for one simulation iteration

computer-based online simulation subscription

4-24 delegates

Contact sales for price

*billed quarterly or as per interaction
  • Access to all content
  • All materials printed
  • Custom Topics
  • Overall feedback
  • Access to chat group
  • Invitation to a private Facebook group
Most popular choice

Enterprise-wide simulation run

25+ delegates

Contact sales for price

*billed annually or as per interaction
  • Access to all content
  • All materials printed
  • Custom Topics
  • Individualized feedback
  • Access to chat group
  • Invitation to a private Facebook group

What People are Saying

The participants of our simulations have found them super helpful in quickly learning new and complex ideas. These are highly popular among delegates from the private as well as public sectors.

…was a great experience. Simulation was up to the expectations. Although, theoretical knowledge was dsicussed, but because of the game we got to know some problems that could arrive only in real life scenarios…
Salman Malik
Dy. Director SBP
…overall, it was a very good learning experience, not possible through theory. So, practical approach was essential. Roles were assigned and entire team’s collaboration was crucial to effectively achieve the given business objectives…
Musharraf Shehzad
CEO Markhor Motors

Frequently Asked Questions

We design and sell simulations. These are advanced pedagogical tools for achieving various outcomes. These are popularly known as “Gamifications”. Our most popular simulations are on-table ones; however, we have online simulations as well.

The technology layer is a pivotal piece of our simulations, which include slide packs, videos, easy-to-use data entry panels, and dashboards to manifest vital Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Businesses use our simulations primarily for the following two reasons: (a) to up-skill their employees (we call them delegates); (b) to assess new candidates for their aptitudes and competencies, to place them in a matching department.

HEIs use our simulations for the following two reasons: (a) to up-skill their faculty members for designing and conducting simulations; (b) to prepare the senior batches of students for competitive local and global careers.

The Box has all the material to run one complete iteration of a particular simulation. If a business or a higher education institution buys the box, then they receive a subscription to the following for one simulation iteration: (a) access to online material, i.e., slide packs and videos, (b) access to data entry system, (c) access to the dashboard of KPIs, (d) online and/or face-to-face train-the-trainer sessions (paid), and (e) online feedback forms. There are certain conditions that apply to these offerings for which the clients are requested to contact sales.

In this way, organizations can run the simulations for their own employees or students conducted by their own trained employees or faculty members. Subscriptions to online material can be renewed as per terms and conditions.

The majority of our simulations are of competitive nature, i.e., the delegates are divided into teams that compete against each other to achieve an objective.